When Social Media Doesn’t Work
Women in business have always faced an uphill climb to be equal to men, even when they obviously were more qualified than men. However, the new normal of men who are looking to promote their business via women leaves much to be desired.
I am a member of LinkedIn as well as other social media. I use the LinkedIn platform strictly for business and, from what I understand, they do not tolerate insincere posts and/or affiliations. Therefore, the approach from other members is normally always professional, with requests geared toward your business and/or products from other members.
The other day I received a message from someone I had finally said YES to and connected with because of the persons jewelry business mentioned in their profile. One never knows how others might be helpful to brands. So imagine my dismay to have this same person reach out to me for business with the following words:
“Good morning, Gorgeous! How are you today?”
That’s it. No introduction. No request. Nothing but an ignorant approach to me as a woman, rather than approaching me as a woman in business.
The moment I received that message I was insulted. A man would never reach out to another man in business and say that, so why say it to me? Does this person think they have some sort of privilege because I can assure them, they don’t.
It was an insult one could hear across the world wide web. I blocked him and reported his conduct. If someone wants to discuss business they can write a respectful message request acknowledging the intention of the connection, and be respectful. The email I received was neither of those things.
If you want me as your “client” you will have to approach me with decorum, respect and proper credentials. If you want to flirt, then turn yourself toward your mirror because I am not interested and would never do business with such a shallow person as one with that approach.
All of this is food for thought. Our approach to others in business is the first impression, so rather than insult your intended target, be professional and courteous and stick to the topic of business. Otherwise, social media will not work to advantage.