Ways to Remain Positive During Negative Times
We are inundated with negativity and that negativity comes in layers and each layer takes on a different form. The once-respected news media is doing absolutely nothing to help the American people deal with negativity. Instead, they perpetuate it and report on negativity until it festers and grows into dissent and creates even more opposing forces. No sane person can foster positive vibrations while they live in a world that encourages the opposite.
It’s the above thought process that has had me profoundly confused, and by extension, depressed. I was suddenly questioning if it was futile to hold up hope and raise the pillar of enlightenment in the face of the surrounding darkness. I am a proud woman, boomer, hippie, liberal, democrat, feminist, enlightened and spiritual psychic medium. This is not my first rodeo, as they say. My generation may not have had all the answers but we sure had the knowledge of love and understanding. We knew how to create a current of emotion that instilled positive energy among large groups of people, whether that was a music fair like Woodstock, or a march to Washington for women’s rights. We moved forward with hope, love, faith and awareness. We banded together rather than stood apart. That energy accomplished a lot of good, at least among those who moved along the positive path I traveled.
So, I have decided to remain hopeful and to continue to embrace and inspire the positive. When one does that, one realizes that there are more of “us” than there are of “them.” Positivity really does rule, but the key is to focus on it in every moment. That’s a tall order!
How do we sustain a positive outlook when we are exposed to streams of news, current events, information and people feeding on that information all day and night, without any warning? While I don’t have all the answers. Here are four ways that I use in my attempts to maintain a positive vibration in my life:
- I severely limit my intake of news, social media, comments, posts, tweets, internet searches, television, radio, podcasts, people and movies. I pay special attention to how and when I am interacting with my iPhone. I try not to make it the first thing I consult to open my day. The first exposure is what can set a negative tone, especially if I am looking at my screen with my morning coffee.
- I try to stay away from negative or complaining people. It doesn’t matter whether that is family, friend, coworkers or anyone else. If they are walking around with a dark cloud overhead, Ihave to make that choice to avoid them until that cloud clears up. Limit your exposure to them, too.
- Play music you like, take walks, and try to smile more. Smiles bring laughter and laughter can lead to joy which leads to satisfied fulfillment within us. That fulfillment is your positive energy.
- Be grateful. Gratitude reveals to us the abundance that is already in our lives and empowers positive energy in a way that multiplies it. I find that by writing in my journal at least five reasons I am grateful each day creates a feeling of success and accomplishment. That leads to happiness which leads to fulfillment, and once again arriving at the destination of positivity.
Applying these tips help me, but I will admit that it takes repetitiveness, perseverance, diligence, consistency and faith on a regular basis so that I keep up the level of the positive energy to keep the negative at bay.
The results are worth it.