New Year’s Collage -The Vision Board
Today’s blog offers a message of encouragement and hope, and an invitation to DREAM while establishing goals by creating a vision board. It’s a special way to embrace a positive vibration as you move into the future. I define a dream as a wish that is powered by a positive intention until it becomes a reality. We make our own reality each day and that is through our thoughts and convictions.
I remind myself of how important it is for me to be positive if I want to live a long and happy life, and that every thought and/or intention has a profound affect on what I am able to manifest.
The creative process of working on a vision board is empowering, so gather up some time and material, and create a collage of your own visions to help you embrace the New Year. It’s something you can do alone, or with the entire family!
Old School Method: You will need the following: poster board, scissors, glue and a lot of different magazines, newspapers, and photos. The size of the collage is up to you. If you are doing this as a project with family, friends or business partners, you might want a larger piece so that everyone. can participate.
Cut out images and words of your dreams! Be sure to cut out the New Year date, and remember to include a photograph of yourself and your loved ones. Put the board in a room and a place where you can easily see it as reinforcement.
Alternative Method: If you are more inclined to work on a computer or tablet, then create a blank page and collect photos from the Internet to help define your Dream. Then arrange the words/images on the blank page and save it as a JPEG. You can use it as a background on your computer to remind you to stay on point with your dreams.
I have seen these vision boards take on a life of their own, and I am amazed at how they become a source of comfort and peace.
Blessings for the New Year!