Frogs, Turtles and Totems
I gravitate to turtles in my family because my grandmother used to have a huge one on a leash that I used to pet when I was a child. Turtles became my “totem” connected to me by family for most of my life, and I have always embraced their energy.
Totems are spiritual connections and the Native American people have always known this. They help us clarify confusion and assist us in an awareness we might not have been familiar with previous to their discovery.
Many times, clients and friends come to me with questions of dreaming or having seen animals that align with them in a very special way, as the turtle does for me. They each carry lessons of wisdom.
One of the clients I read yesterday had the frog in their thoughts. The frog teaches abundance, transformation and a desire for travel. It has much to do with cleansing our emotions for us to take the next step in life. This person’s circumstances have transformed regarding his private life and thoughts of travel have been on his mind, as well as a cleansing that was taking place after months of trials and tribulations. The frog offers him a chance to embrace change and to travel for the sake of relaxation.
Want to discover your animal totem? Take the following suggestions and it may just be revealed to you.
- Take note of any animals you think about or see more than once during a specific time.
- Take note of any animals you dream of or are drawn to.
- Take note of any animals you see in nature.
- Take note of animals you are afraid of, or have been injured by.
- Take note of any affinity towards a figurine of an animal you like.
Hop online, or look up in a book the meaning of the animal. Most sites and books list the same basic meanings so you really can’t get a wrong definition.
This will be your present totem and one that you can embrace with an eye towards positive and spiritual energy. It’s enlightening to embrace this type of energy and it can be fun, too. I often pick up jewelry or small statues of turtles, for instance, as a whimsical reminder of the spirit of the turtle. I also have a large stone turtle in my back yard garden.
Most of the web sites out there will list the totems alphabetically from Ants to Zebras. Exploring the meaning of your animal totem can bring you joy and contentment. And, according to what I have found, you can have more than one totem in your life at various times. It’s fascinating to discover why the animal is in your life in the first place and the lesson it brings.
Good luck, an enjoy the moment your animal totem is revealed to you!