Color Therapy During the Pandemic
We are living in volatile and uncertain times. And now, in the face of this pandemic, it is even more important to remain healthy, strong, and capable, which may be far more difficult task than it was in the past. And while the days seem dark, there is still light at the end of the tunnel and, by staying diligent and aware, we can make a difference for ourselves and others.
When we look at as a form of therapy that can take us to different levels of emotion and healing, we can move about our days more easily. Color is a significant part of how we literally see life. In the days of this pandemic, we may not be seeing color as vivid, if at all. I am asking you to revisit what you are seeing because there are so many ways that color can help you thru this. The late Wayne Dyer said: “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change.” Therefore, if we take a moment to recognize and tune-in to certain colors for deliberate intentions, we will be welcomed by a comforting feeling, and one where we have control over those feelings. The body, mind and spirit easily tunes in to color, and using it to our advantage is easier than we may realize. Below are colors to consider tuning into to help you embrace positive intention.
BLUE: Considered a passive color, it offers the peace, calmness and the sensation of release. This will be beneficial to working with the day-to-day current events that are a result of this virus. It’s like taking a deep breath and sensing true calm!
PURPLE: Works on a highly spiritual level to promote wisdom and creativity. This color can create magical circumstances, and remind us of our religious undertakings and/or our spiritual understanding of this time.
BLACK: Protection and power is embraced with this color. It affords us a safety foundation that spares us from unnecessary discomfort. Protection is the key, whether that is protection against words and/or deeds.
PINK: The most important color to me. We all need to feel a sense of love and in these challenging times, this is a color that will serve to embrace the awareness of self-love, which is vital when it comes to getting thru the hard times. This color should be included daily!
Apply certain colors to your surroundings and your wardrobe and discover the positive energy they can convey. Personally, I will blend colors according to the intentions I want to manifest. That may be by way of wearing the color in jewelry, clothing, candles, etc, anything to draw that energy to me for that day.
So, try using color during this pandemic. Perhaps even write your findings in a journal so you know what colors “speak” to you. Enjoy the process as no color is negative, and all color encourages positive energy.
Originally published at