Color, Intention and Meditation
When we embrace color, we are embracing positive energy and a chance to switch up our vibration just by way of the colors we choose for the day. Colors can make a difference in how we feel about what is going on around us at any given time. And many colors have already been given a bad wrap because of the way people identify with them. However, if you change the way you feel about color, you will be surrounding yourself with a better, cleaner vibration that will afford you more of the positive and less of the negative.
The colors of the rainbow bring us joy because of folk lore, but also because of what the combination of colors in that rainbow spectrum conveys to us in terms of how we feel when we see them. Separately to the eye, they may not mean as much as they do when combined together.
The first thing to remember is that no one color is negative. However, how we use and/or apply a color will create an intention and it is via that intention that we garner the feelings about how we relate to a color.
Black is a color we equate with death, funerals, and dark entities, and may relate to us that it only accounts for those things. That could not be further from the truth. Black is a formidable color of protection and boundaries. It enforces other colors by adding conviction to them.
Red is love and passion, but it can also mean over-indulgence and vanity, both of which we do not want to encourage. So too much red can definitely effect us in the negative, but when appropriately applied, it is about universal love from a depth few people explore.
Green is a healing color, which is why many hospital walls and surgery rooms are in that color. Green conveys health and growth which means you can be prosperous in your body, mind and spirit when you focus on this color, or have it in your environment.
White is as misunderstood as black and in many cultures it represents the same things black does. But, white also offers clarity and allows us to be aware that we can start anew with a “clean slate.” It encapsulates vibrations of purity and right-action, which may be why many weddings are in white.
What these examples teach us is that color is everywhere and we should take advantage of the positive energy that color can provide for us. It is merely a matter of incorporating it into our lives and, in some cases, meditating on the colors we feel good about so we can revive our spirit on a daily basis.
So, look around you and embrace color….see and feel the difference when you couple it with intention and/or meditation.
Have a colorful day…stay safe, stay healthy….stay home!