A Heads Up for This Mercury Retrograde
I have been getting email and social media posts asking me what to watch out for regarding the Mercury Retrograde which extends itself from April 1 — April 25, 2024. Mercury is the planet of communication and when in retrograde, it appears to go backward in the sky. That can cause a great deal of turmoil to our normally grounded, routine days.
I gave this a lot of thought and meditated on the energy I was experiencing as we heralded this time into our days. Being cautious during a retrograde has always been a given, as has not signing important documents or making major decision while it lasted. However, the energy I am feeling with this particular retrograde bodes very differently for me. As a result, I felt it important to let you know what might be helpful in dealing with the next few weeks. Here is the list of what to watch out for:
EMOTION — Oh my, I can not express enough how much emotion is playing a part in the dynamics of this time. You will feel weepy, and even cry, over things that you normally wouldn’t cry over. Emotion is playing a big part in communication and, as such, can cause a problem within that very communication. Rage, hurt, depression, arguments, lack of sleep, and general grumpiness seems to be playing a really big part of this astrological time. It is up to each of us to keep that in mind and try to curtail falling down the rabbit hole of disfunction as a result of it.
NORMAL EVERY DAY ROUTINES — Keep yourself grounded through meditation, journal writing and plenty of exercise, even if you are walking. Take time to see a movie or watch some entertaining television (not news). That will make for a calmer, clarifying understanding of why your routine might be failing you, so that you can focus on the right way to do things. Remember, it is the retrograde and not you that is causing this.
DEADLINES — There is no such thing during a mercury retrograde because time changes and is tweaked in a way that may not always be clear or to your understanding. Try not to sign important documents or make important decision without complete and utter forethought.
These are just a few pitfalls for this month. Hang in there. If you don’t meditate, then start, as it will be helpful. Take things slowly and thoughtfully so that there are less misunderstandings in your day.
If you find this helpful, please share it with others to and pay it forward.
Have an amazing day, you deserve it!
Published April 2024 lindalauren.com