10 Ways to Embrace Healing
So…we are all in the same boat and following the same rules so that we can keep ourselves and others safe from the growing concern of this virus outbreak. Staying home, washing hands, keeping abreast of the CDC news and advice, and keeping a social distance away is important and will not be forever, so what we do now will save us hardship tomorrow.
Here are some ways to help you thru the stress of these times:
Set up a sacred space for healing like the one pictured. Mine, for example, is set up with a candle, a written affirmation, special angel statues, (my personal preference) as well as crystals I have programmed for that purpose. Feel free to choose what you want on yours as long as you include the affirmation and a candle.
2. Meditate. This is the single most important task you can perform solely that will encourage more peacefulness to open up to you. I meditate at least twice a day: morning to embrace the day so I can get through it; and the evening so I can close my senses off to the noise of the outside world.
3. Music. When times are dark, putting on a few tunes can get you through the worst of your emotions and replace them with a lighter, happier vibe.
4. Do your best to not overdue being informed by news. Check in when it’s important, but don’t be a slave to it.
5. Relax. Rest. Put your feet up and play some games or chill with your favorite TV shows, as long as you avoid news stations. Maybe focus on comedies or shows that will make you smile or laugh.
6. Do not look at the news before you go to bed, whether that is paper, smartphone or tablet.
7. Lock-down doesn’t mean you don’t have to get dressed every day. Keep your routine going so that you connect with normalcy.
8. Take a cue from Ellen and put together a puzzle. It’s easy to get lost in a good one.
9. Read a book! I am reading a Stephanie Plum novel and it is keeping me laughing out loud!
10. Color. Whether it’s online on an app or via a book with real pens and ink, it will be a way to decompress.
I encourage you to do your best to embrace the above suggestions. They have helped me to cope with the present situation, and I feel it will help you to do the same. Please stay safe and well.